Every’Body’ is Beautiful

Every’Body’ is Beautiful

This world has an amusing way of working.
We are told over and over that we have to love ourselves. We need to expand our own definition of beauty and let it flow out. We need to appreciate ourselves and revel in the joy of living rather than focusing on the shape of the body we live in. All very comforting and doable.
But, how do we really do that?
Most times the desire to transform originates from a sense of discontentment with the way we feel right now. So, if we aren’t happy and accepting of our body every day, how are we supposed to love and cherish it?
Learning to love our bodies is extremely vital to our health. The fact that our bodies are miracle performers each day is reason enough to be extra careful and nurture it with love and acceptance.
“I hate my teeth. They aren’t perfectly aligned. I hate my thighs. They are wobbly. I hate my hair. It is too curly. My head is balding. My hair is thinning. I’m too short. I’m too tall.”
Sound familiar?
Unfortunately, this is an everyday norm which is a recipe for disaster, especially for young impressionable minds who feel beauty is a flawless face or body. Great teeth, severely toned thighs or six pack abs. The word ‘perfect’ is what should describe the body, only then is it worth something. These statements are showing up in conversations all the time and more obsessively than ever before. The constant pressure to look a certain way and the messages from an over exposed world is creating impossible unrealistic expectations in every aspect of life. If we are not physically ‘just what the doctor ordered’ – we aren’t good enough. We need a magical mantra to turn ourselves into an ideal bodied faultless human being only then will we be acceptable to everybody around us.
Think differently to feel differently.

Nyou says ‘Every Body is Beautiful’ & ‘Everybody is Beautiful’
Our love message only reminds you time and again that ‘You’ are absolutely beautiful and handsome! Just the way you are. We’re all perfect in our own stunning ways. The only thing we do not know is how to love ourselves right now. We have to constantly strive to be happy and content with the thousand miracles our bodies are performing each minute.
Loving ourselves exactly how we are at this very moment is not only essential – it is a mandate. A given. An unspoken golden rule which we should live by.
Easy to say, hard to follow.  But, how do we love others with conviction if we do not start by loving ourselves. The bodies we have been blessed with give us umpteen reasons to live beautifully.
We human beings are fragile and our bodies are our first line of defense. To nourish our bodies we need healthy food, but our souls feed off the vibes we give and take each day. We need to remind ourselves over and over that we are made of magic! We are capable of achieving the most unbelievable and we can only do so if we love our bodies wholeheartedly. We need to stop criticizing ourselves and start loving unconditionally.
Our body is our temple. It is holy. It is sacred. Only if we nurture it with positive thoughts will we be giving it what it truly deserves.
We need to believe that the health of our mind depends on us being able to love our body. We have to just love and accept our body. We may not love it all the way, but we just have to be comfortable with it. Our body is our home and we need to treat it with utmost love and respect.
Nyou is with you every step of the way. To help you love your body, your-self.  After all, this is the only place we have to live. Might as well make it worth our while! We assist you in accepting your body today, loving it tomorrow and appreciating it always.
Reminding ourselves all the time that we are beautiful and handsome is achievable. Even on the most dull and uninspiring day. Just like learning how to swim or meditate. It comes slowly but once it does, it stays forever. The transformation of the body starts with the mind. If we truly push our limits and keep telling our body- ” Oh my! You are so beautiful. So unbelievably handsome. I love you.” We will slowly start seeing ourselves in a light which will be hard to ignore and the aura of that light will force everyone around us to believe what we believe too. That Every Body is Beautiful!
Always stand in awe of your body because Every Body is Beautiful.

Happy Loving Yourself!
– NYOU Blog works

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